Executors and trustees are held to a high standard.
Navigating the maze of rules and regulations that apply to estates and trusts can be time-consuming and risky. If you have been appointed an executor or trustee, we help you understand your rights and your obligations to the government, creditors, beneficiaries, family members, and others. Get the advice you need to protect yourself, comply with the law and effectively administer the estate or trust.

Advice for Trustees & Executors
We save you time and help you manage your risk by guiding you through the steps of administering estates and trusts, including
- applying for probate or administration
- interpreting wills and trust documents
- securing assets
- paying taxes and other liabilities
- communicating with the beneficiaries
- passing your accounts
- setting your remuneration and distributing assets to the beneficiaries.

When a person dies without a will, a court order may be needed to appoint a person to administer the estate. We advise on who has priority to administer the estate and help you to apply for the authority you need.

Advice for Beneficiaries
We help you protect your rights and communicate your concerns to executors and trustees.

Probate is the process that confirms that a will is valid. A will can be proven in "common form", when there are no serious disputes about the validity of the will, or in "solemn form", when there are allegations that the the will-maker did not understand their will or the will was made involuntarily. We advise you on the best procedure for the particular estate and help you to apply for probate.